Cafe Imperial Granite
Cafe Imperial granite is from Brazil, it's the most popular brown granite and very popular for kitchen countertop in USA and Canada, chinese people use a lot for inside decoration, Ally Stone buy and import about 100 cube meters from the quarry directly every month, for this material we do blocks trading and project, we sell to other chinese companies, there are some natural character which we have to accept if we want to use this brown granite, such as light white line and small black spot, if you want to buy and import this material, please send enquiry to us and learn details.
Cafe Imperial Granite Quarry Cafe Imperial Granite Tile
Cafe Imperial Granite Polish Slabs
2017 Stone fair,Marmomacc 2017 notice 2017-07-12 12:00:00
Allystone in Middle East Stone 2017 ,DUB... 2017-06-01 12:00:00
Marble "Dior Gold" Promotion(20170525) 2017-05-24 9:28:08
Quartz "Naka Calacatta" Promotion(201705... 2017-05-22 12:00:00
Marble "Star Grey" Promotion(20170519) 2017-05-19 12:00:00